In order to distinguish the papers traditionally made and of the highest quality for both conservation and artistic use, we use the term Heritage Washi. To be named this way, the paper must be:
made of 100% Japanese-grown fibre such as kozo, gampi or mitsumata.
cooked in soda ash, lime or wood ash – and NOT caustic soda
using formation aid of tororo-aoi or noriutsugi
unbleached except by sun or water (no use of chlorine)
formed by hand by highly experienced makers

Although not technically Heritage Washi because they are made by machine, papers made at Kashiki Paper Mill in Kochi are of the highest quality. There, they use only Japanese fibres, prepare them by hand, and their special, slow-moving machine replicates the movement of the hand-papermaker’s screen, producing very even paper.
The practise of conservation demands the qualities of wet strength and even distribution of fibre in the papers used to ensure workability and longevity. Heritage Washi has these qualities. Artists who use Heritage Washi also know their works will last hundreds of years and appreciate the cooperative nature of working with it. The continual usage of Heritage Washi helps to ensure the ongoing production of this important resource.